After 13 years in the role, Mandy recently transitioned from being BGC’s administrative partner back to Firm Administrator. Over the years most of her work was focused on the firm’s internal needs and managing departments. Her client work focuses on companies with month end closings to help ensure the financials they rely on are current and accurate.
Mandy feels the best thing to ever happen in her personal life was meeting and marrying Wayne. She gained two beautiful daughters at that time, and over the years two sons-in-law and six smart, talented grandchildren. Wayne and Mandy restored Wayne’s 1977 Trans Am and Mandy’s father’s 1956 Chevrolet 3200 pick-up truck. For over a decade, the pair showed their beautifully restored cars. Devastatingly, Wayne passed away in December 2021. Mandy mourns the loss of her precious husband and continues to work on developing her personal identity as she learns to make her way without him.
Mandy's Story:
Mandy found her love of bookkeeping in high school when she took two years of courses. She continued her training at Greenville Tech but considers the best of her learning to have taken place on the job and through her mentors in the firm. Mandy is proud of her career trajectory based on her work for clients and dedication to the firm. She joined BGC in 1984 through a merger, making her a forty year veteran of the firm. Starting in a bookkeeping role, she then became the manager of the department, firm administrator, and then was voted as a partner in 2010. Transitioning back to the role of Firm Administrator after serving as a partner, Mandy brings a wealth of experience in shaping BGC’s direction and operations. She enjoys meeting and forming relationships with clients as well as assisting them with the accuracy of their financials and training their staff when needed.