Whether you could barely wait for artificial intelligence become mainstream or you are someone who dreaded that day ever since the inception of AI, the fact of the matter is that AI is here to stay. The technology is readily available to anyone who wishes to use it, including the general public. But the main […]
Read MoreHave you been thinking about establishing an S corporation? Maybe you have the opportunity to become a shareholder of a corporation of this type. Here’s what you should know about S corporations and how they work before getting involved in one: What is an S corporation? An S corporation essentially passes its income, losses, deductions […]
Read MoreIt is difficult — but not impossible — to find funding for a business in volatile economic times: Some investors are always looking for new opportunities. These investors might find a business attractive if it is in a sector that is robust or poised for growth. Investors also consider attractive a solid business plan with […]
Read MoreThere are two kinds of 529 plans: prepaid tuition plans and savings plans. Prepaid tuition plans (available in only nine states) allow you to pay current tuition rates for future attendance at designated colleges and universities; they are a way to lock in a lower cost for college attendance. The savings plans allow you to […]
Read MoreThe child and dependent care credit is a tax benefit designed to help people who both work a job and pay for the care of either children or dependents, if not both. This tax credit aims to cover a portion of the expenses that working individuals have to cover in order to provide care for […]
Read MoreWhen starting a family, you might be interested to know that you’re now eligible to claim new credits and deductions, which ultimately lessens the total value of your tax liability. You can start by utilizing the official IRS Withholding Estimator to check your withholding. This will allow you to update your Form W-4, which is […]
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